Once again, I like the whole concept of certain Cobra troopers being an "anti" counterpart to a particular GIJoe character. The Night-Viper represents the "anti-Low Light" of the Cobra Legion. The 50th Night-Viper action figures are good figures in and of themselves and they basically appear in a "blue shirt" design. I just felt for a "night" operations sniper a darker color than neon green or red was more appropriate.

So, this is another simple parts swap, which a lot of Hasbro figures are simple kit-bashes from various parts and accessories. The base figure comes from a Dollar General black Cobra with the helmet, head, backpack and rifle from the green Night-Viper. I swapped out the grey "Cobra Officer" web gear for the black and green Jungle Ops Duke web gear since some of the green is the perfect match to the helmet and rifle.


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