Oktober Guard Code Name: RED STAR

As a fan who began his journey with G. I. Joe during the Cold War of the 1980s Reagan era, I have always loved the Oktober Guard. When Marvel Issue # 6 released with the following cover:

I think the idea that the American G. I. Joe team and the Soviet Oktober Guard sharing a common enemy, Cobra, really won me over to like this team. Plus, in this issue, both teams had these super cool vehicles -- neither of which were ever released as toys:

Then, in Marvel G. I. Joe Yearbook 2, the Oktober Guard returned with even cooler vehicles -- again, sadly, never released as toys:

Like the G. I. Joe Team, the Oktober Guard has seen members come and go and has also been reinvented both in the comics and cartoons. So, my Oktober Guard customs blend my favorite versions of the characters while embracing various aspects of the characters into my own adaptations.

First on the list is the Oktober Guard Commander, Colonel Brekhov aka "RED STAR." Now, I know what you are thinking, aren't Col. Brekhov, Red Star and Iron Bear three different characters? Well, in Hasbro's universe, Yes, but in my Joeverse, No. Actually, I think there was some implied blending of the characters Col. Brekhov and Red Star, originally. Col. Brekhov was killed in G. I. Joe: Special Missions Issue #26 (1989), and it was not until 1991 that Hasbro released the action figure "Red Star," who bore a striking resemblance to (the now deceased) Col. Brekhov. Marvel comics pokes a little fun at this in Issue #146 when the Joes asked Red Star why he looked so much like Col. Brekhov. So, in my Joevese, Red Star is Col. Brekhov's official code name with "Iron Bear" simply being an alias.

The base figure for this custom comes from an Indiana Jones Russian Officer figure with the arms swapped out with those from the Russian Soldier (better elbow articulation). While the Indiana Jones figure looks great, it simply serves as stand-in until I receive my MTF WWII Russian figures from the Kickstarter.

The hat and web gear are from the 25th comic pack Red Star figure. The head is from Specialist Altitude, which uses the same head sculpt as Red Star v.2 but is cast in flesh tone plastic and has lighter colored hair. The AK47 w/ grenade launcher is from Marauder Gun Runners and the Vodka bottle is a custom resin cast from Avac's Lab.


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