Well, not only has it been quite some time since I have posted any customs (almost PhinisheD with post-grad school!), this custom is NOT G.I. Joe related!! Years ago, I use to customize Star Wars figures and started a couple of (free) websites, but I no longer have the access to update either site. My old Cantina Customs site, especially the Mos Eisley Cantina Blue Prints page, has been cited on various websites over the years. I even met someone through Facebook that built a 1:18 scale Cantina using my old blue prints!
When the new Target exclusive Boba Fetts were released, I just had to grab some. I prefer TESB Boba Fett's color scheme over ROTJ, plus I love how the flamethrower/laser details are exposed on the left gauntlet. So, I knew I would try my hand at updating a custom TESB Boba Fett!
So, the base figure is the VC186 ROTJ Boba Fett. I removed the belt and green cape. I also trimmed off the flamethrower/laser cover off the left gauntlet.
I created the new belt from piecing together the belt from Evolutions Boba Fett, the holster from the Solo-Han Solo 2pk Fett, and pieces from the new G.I. Joe Grunt web gear (see it does have some G.I. Joe to it!!) 😛

I trimmed down a cape from Evolutions Fett and attached it under the shoulder armor. I also sliced off the flamethrower/laser details from the Solo-Han Solo 2pk Fett and glued it to the left gauntlet. I like how this sculpt has the mounting plate sculpted. The left gauntlet was really important to me for this custom. I did not just want to paint the gauntlet and keep the rectangular flamethrower/laser cover. Once the flamethrower/laser detailing was attached, I painted both gauntlets and the jetpack adding weathering to both. Another important detail to this custom for me is to have a moveable range finder. So, I trimmed the sculpted range finder off, Dremelled a whole and attached the range finder from a scrap 300th Boba Fett using hot glue to fill in the socket. I also painted in the two slivers on the left chest piece. Finally, I gave the body a wash in dark grey to dirty the figure up a bit.
The rifle is a kit bash from the VC186 Fett and Evolution Fett rifles.
Here are comparison pictures of my older custom Evolutions TESB Boba Fett and new VC186 TESB Boba Fett. The older Evolutions custom has a 300th Fett head (Dremelled to fit), left gauntlet, and customized jet pack.
Finally, here is a collage of my Boba Fett shelf in my home office. Carded figures in the back, 6" figures, Funkos, and Legos in the middle, and loose figures in the front. I also have this super-cool cloth flag/wall hanger that my daughter got me in Okinawa (not pictured).
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