CLASS OF 1983 Code Name: DOC

I've always like DOC, and never felt he got the love he deserved as G.I. Joe's first Medic. Doc's file card info was kind of messed up though. Hasbro listed his Second MOS as "Chaplain's Assistant," which is a way of saying Chaplain's Armed Body Guard. However, Doc is portrayed as a non-combatant in the comics, which doesn't make sense if his Second MOS means that he should be toting a rifle. Given his non-combatant state and his rank of Captain, Doc's Second MOS should have been "Chaplain." So, in my Joeverse, Doc plays a dual role of being the General Surgeon and Chaplain for the Team.

I hate having to paint parts, especially articulated parts like knees. So, I'll probably switch out the legs later on. May try to custom resin cast some legs in tan/khaki. I had to heat the helmet up with a hairdryer (there's a tongue-twister) to get it to fit the Agent J head sculpt.

Due to a SNAFU with the blog, some of the original pictures were lost and had to be copied from another site, which explains the smaller sizes. I've tried to enlarge and brighten the pictures from some of my original blog posts.


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