The Cobra Rattler is the only G. I. Joe jet vehicle I had as a kid. Even though my friend had the Sky Striker, I always thought the Rattler was a "way cooler" vehicles by the simple fact that it had the rear gun turret.
Wild Weasel always had that "Red Baron" look going for him. Plus, Marvel comics portrayed him as a pretty awesome pilot! The Marvel issue 34 "Shake Down" tells the story of an areal dual between Wild Weasel & Baroness in the Rattler versus Ace & Lady Jaye in the Sky Striker.
The helmet and upper body are a custom red, resin cast I ordered from Vortious Customs. Since I knew I was painting this figure, I wanted the shoulder and elbow joints cast in red. The legs are from a 50th Lift Ticket. I gave the figure sort of a dry brush paint in dark red. This allows some of the brighter red to show through in areas. Painted the vest and belt black. I knew that I did not want to tackle painting the navigational charts on his legs. So, I found some Marauder Gun Runners (I-pad) tablet decals that were just the perfect size. After applying the decals, I gave the entire figure a coat of Testor's Dull Coat spray.
The custom Cobra Rattler is basically a repainted Bbi Elite Force A-10. I gutted all the electronics and the handle from the vehicle. I Dremeled a hole behind the cockpit, and formed the gun turret from a medicine bottle. I also swapped out the original nose cannon with some fodder Gatlin gun/cannon I had in a fodder box. Spray painted the pieces blue and applied decals from Cobra Stickers.
Custom Cobra Rattler box image
Custom Blue Prints
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