This custom definitely represents an "anti-Joe" blue shirt Cobra character. The Flak-Viper serves as the "Anti-Grand Slam" of the Cobra Forces. Since Grand Slam got double-duty as an action figure, first as the Laser Artillery Soldier then as the Laser Jet Pack Soldier; I decided to give the Flak-Viper double duty also.
The Flak-Viper's primary function is as an Anti-Aircraft trooper, firing missiles at any incoming enemy aircraft.
The Flak-Viper's secondary function is more of an aerial attack anti-aircraft trooper. Instead of giving him the blue JUMP pack, I decided to go with Cobra's other, much cooler, individual aerial device - THE CLAW! (cue the Toy Story soundbite).
This custom is a basic parts swap and some repainting to the upper body. The upper body is a Skydive v. 3 figure with the legs and hands from a Dollar General blue Cobra. I painted the blue parts of the upper body with Citadel Kantor Blue to better match the DG blue Cobra legs. The Skydive torso is the same as the Data-Viper from whom I borrowed the chest rig and rocket launchers. This also gives the figure kind of a "flight suit" look that works with piloting the CLAW.
The figure is topped off with a 25th Cobra Air Trooper head and masked helmet with an Invasion Trooper parachute rig - you know, for those Sun Bow explosions where he has to parachute to safety.
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