Continuing my custom "Blue Shirt Legion" project, let's throw a little mix into the color palette with the addition of the Cobra Shock-Viper. The Shock-Viper may not be as familiar to Joe Fans as other "Viper" specialties because the figure was only released in 2002.

Using the "anti-Joe" mentality to this custom, this is very much the "Anti-Blowtorch" of the Cobra Legion. Instead of an actual "blue shirt," I thought the "red shirt" Retaliation Invasion Trooper represents the perfect base for a Flamethrower Trooper.

To match the Red & Grey color scheme I swapped out the web gear with the grey Arctic Viper vest. I removed the grenades because I'm not sure how well grenades would hold up while shooting a flamethrower! Replaced the grenades with an MTF knife & sheath. 

For the head and helmet, I went with a 25th Cobra Air Trooper breathing mask helmet. I painted the helmet and backpack red (Citadel Evil Sunz Scarlet) to better match the red Invasion Trooper body. Then gave each the helmet, vest and backpack a wash in dark grey to tone the brightness down to better match the figure.

On a humorous side, YES! I realize the "flamethrower" is actually a water gun (which is kind of ironic), but I like the way it looks over the Charbroil/Blowtorch flamethrower. Plus the stubby design makes it easier for the figure to hold.


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